Asbestos in UK Schools

Anyone can be at risk of asbestos exposure, whether it to be in your home, place of work or any commercial property, and schools are no exception to this. A recent report published by the Medical Research Council found more than 75% of the 33,600 schools in the UK contain asbestos.

However, it is essential to remember that if asbestos is present in any of these locations, it doesn’t mean for certain that you are at risk. Whilst the presence of asbestos can be alarming, if undisturbed it remains relatively safe, allowing you to manage the risk appropriately and eliminate exposure.

Why are Schools at Risk?

Sites such as schools and universities can propose a significant risk concerning asbestos, with various factors contributing to this. In old school buildings, Asbestos Containing Materials (ACMs) pose a particularly high risk, as asbestos was mostly installed in them between 1940-1970.

According to statistics, there are five times more deaths from Mesothelioma, a cancer associated with asbestos exposure, among teachers than there are in the general population. Between 2010 and 2020 alone, 371 teaching staff and education professionals died from Mesothelioma due to historical exposure to ACMs. These statistics are devastating and prove how crucial it is to maintain a proper management plan in place for asbestos present in education sites.

The HSE’s recent Duty to Manage Asbestos Campaign has targeted asbestos management in schools, with the 2022/2023 inspections of more than 400 schools suggested that the majority were managing asbestos safely, but not all, reminding us of the importance of proper asbestos management.

How Can Schools Manage Asbestos Safely?

There are a wealth of resources to ensure that Duty Holders are fulfilling their role in ensuring safe and compliant asbestos management within their school. You can read more about Duty to Manage Asbestos here (link to our news story on it)

The HSE has published an asbestos checklist for schools: Asbestos management checklist for schools (, as well as recommending that Schools and Education Sites use a portal to manage their asbestos information in a single place.

How Can Casa Help?

Casa prioritises Health and Safety above all else. Our dedicated team of experts have a wealth of experience conducting works in schools and education settings and can provide an end-to-end service for all asbestos projects, from taking samples & conducting surveys through to organising removals & undertaking air monitoring. Our online portal allows you to have all your asbestos data in one place, with a management plan tailored to you, to offer you full peace of mind.

If you would like any advice, or if we can help in any way Contact us today. We can arrange a full management survey or reinspection survey, maintain an up-to-date asbestos register and even create an asbestos management plan to guarantee your compliance and safety.

There is no reason for anyone to be exposed to asbestos – with proper management, you can ensure that any asbestos in your building is appropriately managed and monitored and can take the necessary steps to ensure your safety.